IQ-Sport seminars & lectures; what will you get out of it?

  • we break the daily commonly felt time pressure:

since – in the calm and the practice of the learned roots the power 

  • to demolish stress – we take the human “offline”

since – only who is with fun and joy fully dedicated, fully concentrated and participating un-distracted reaches the desired goal = target

  • we live & learn again: to value the moment

since – only who finds the (own) center, reaches and hits it – in the target.

  • we take time for you and your Soul!

since – the virtues with calm to TAKE TIME & to take really good CARE and teach CALM and VIRTUOSITY in handling a sport device and the human being, are CAPITALIZED in our LANGUAGE & UNDERSTANDING.

I will with prove to you with pleasure the truth of those thesises

– contact me on your convenience for a personal appointment:

Klaus Kremer